Carlo Domeniconi


  • concert

    Saturday, March 25th | 20:30
    Belgrade Youth Center

The Italian guitarist and composer Carlo Domeniconi, born in 1947, is considered one of the most renowned and important contemporary composers for his instrument.

His work, which now spans 50 years, is primarily dedicated to guitar music, be it for solo or ensemble performance, and encompasses a wide variety of styles, including old forms as well as global elements.

Domeniconi’s first compositions were an attempt to expand the meagre repertoire of the guitar and to give the instrument a few aspects that did not come into play during its development.

He achieved international fame with the composition Koyunbaba. However, the most important aspect of this piece is that it represents for the first time in his compositions a kind of structural framework (template) which can provide the free space for players who feel at home in it.

An important feature of his music is the constant search for new viewpoints and a continual exploration of the guitar.

"The time of the self-deprecating ‘classical’ guitar is over. It is time to see the guitar as it really is: a strong, sonorous instrument with a richness of colour that knows no equal."

Carlo Domeniconi


Buddha´s Smile, Carlo Domeniconi