HOW TO APPLY, RULES, ACCOMMODATION (for candidates from abroad)
The deadline for submission of applications is February the 28th, 2012
The candidates are obligated to submit the following:
- duly completed application form
- proof of payment of the first installment of the registration fee
- a copy of identity card or passport (competitors only, 16th March)
- the program (for both stages - competitors only)
The application together with the above listed documents should be sent by e-mail to: or to the following address (until the 28th of February 2012 at the latest): UDRUZENJE KLASICNIH GITARISTA SRBIJE 530 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra St.11000 Belgrade, Serbia
After sending the application form with documents all together by e-mail or post, candidates who do not receive any response within 10 days should call the Guitar Art Festival office to: +381 11 220 6244 or +381 64 140 7583
The registration fee for participants are the following:
a) For passive candidates the registration fee is 120 Euro (tickets for all the concerts and Guitar Art Expo, passive presence on master classes, meetings and exhibitions); if the candidate wishes to compete he is obliged to pay additional fee in the amount of 30 to 80 €, depending upon the category he competes in;
b) For active candidates the registration fee is 180 Euro (3 individual master classes (40 min each), tickets for all the concerts and Guitar Art Expo, passive presence on all other master classes, meetings and exhibitions); if the candidate wishes to compete he is obliged to pay additional fee in the amount of 30 to 80 €, depending upon the category he competes in.
Payment should be made in two installments: First installment: 50 Euro per participant is the amount for reservation, both for passive and active candidates, and should be paid latest until the February 28th, 2012. In order to remit EUR amounts to our account with OTP BANKA SRBIJA A.D. NOVI SAD Serbia, please proceed according to the bellow instructions:
57A: Account With Institution OTP BANKA SRBIJA A.D. NOVI SAD, Serbia SWIFT CODE: OTPVRS22
59: Beneficiary Customer /RS35325934170034772386 BOŠKO RADOJKOVIĆ Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 530 11000 BEOGRAD Srbija
Payment purpose: First installment for Guitar Art Festival 2012
Second installment: should be paid in cash at Guitar Art Festival desk on the first day of the festival (16th March 2012, 09:00-16:00, Continental Hotel)
Passive participants: 70 €
Active participants: 130 €
(+ possible extra payment for the competition – from 30 € to 80 €)
The total number of master classes during the festival is 240. It means that the number of candidates for the individual master classes is limited to 80, since 3 individual master classes (40 minutes each) are provided for every candidate. Applying starts on 5th December, 2011 and first 80 candidates will have 3 individual master classes provided, no matter the age, success, school or country of the candidate. Candidate specifies the names of 6 professors he would like to have the master class with, and then the festival committee decides on 3 professors (subject to availability) for 3 individual master classes and makes the schedule candidate agrees with.
In case of cancellation by the candidate, the registration fee will not be returned.
The candidates themselves bear travel and accommodation expenses in Belgrade.
Accommodation is available in hotels and student hostels located in Belgrade (bed and breakfast cost from 10 to 55 Euro).
Reservation by e-mail: or by phone / fax to: +381 11 220 6244.
Daily program of the festival activities with all the materials and information will be distributed when registering on the March 16th, 2012 from 09:00 to 17:00 hours in Continental Hotel.
Please contact us for suggestions and questions to: