Boško Jović
Bosnia & Herzegovina / concert
Bosko Jovic (1981, B&H) finished the primary and the secondary music school in Zenica in the class of Ljubinko Jovic.
He graduated from the Music Academy in Eastern Sarajevo in the class of Zoran Krajisnik (Guitar department) and also Musicology from the Music Academy in Sarajevo. In 2010 he completed postgraduate studies at the same academy in the class of Alexander Swete.
He improved his knowledge with Predrag Stankovic and Mile Rakanović, and attended seminars with renowned pedagogues such as R. Dyens, R. Andie, D. Azabagic, I. Romero, V. Ogrizovic, M. Mysliveček and others. In 1998 he was awarded with the Special Prize at the Federal Competition in Bugojno. From 1994 he is a soloist of Zenica Chamber Orchestra and many times he played as a soloist of String Orchestra 2007 and the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra.
He has performed in several chamber ensembles, some of which is particularly noteworthy duo with Edin Karamazov. Bosko Jovic often plays with the musicians from world music, pop and jazz scene. He teaches at Sarajevo High Music School. His students are the winners of several awards in the competitions in B&H and abroad.
Giorgos Georgopoulos & Dimitris Lapas
- Libertango (Astor Piazzolla)
- Petar Ralchev waltz (Petar Ralchev)
- Krivo Sadovsko Horo (bulgarian folk song)
- Hora in Dm (Panagiotis Stergiou)
- Kapia mana anastenazei (Vasilis Tsitsanis)
- Zeimbekiko in G (Haris Lemonopoulos)
- Hartaetoi (Mikis Theodorakis)
Amira Medunjanin & Boško Jović - Tradicionalne narodne pesme
- Kradem ti se u večeri
- Stade se cvijeće rosom kititi
- Kiša pada trava raste
- Ajde Jano
- Sejdefu majka buđaše
- Ah što ćemo ljubav kriti
Kemo Sundiulu Sisoko & Igor Vincetić
- Aissata Bale
- Ikana Fo
- Wandiya Mandi
- Nansara Dunya
- Ami
- Simbo
- Lumbenala
- Mariamba