Giorgos Georgopoulos

20. March

21:30 / Kolarac Foundation Hall

Giorgos Georgopoulos

Greece / concert

Giorgos Georgopoulos was born in Athens, Greece in 1983. At the age of 8 he moved with his family to Kalamata (Southern Greece) where he began taking music lessons.

He started to play bouzouki at the age of 10 and he improved himself at the Messinian Contemporary Conservatory. He played with local bands when he was 14 and he continued his studies in Athens. He performed at the Olympics Opening Ceremony in Athens and collaborated with the famous Greek singers and musicians such as Manolis Mitsias, Vasilis Lekkas, Dimitris Mpasis, Gerasimos Andreatos, Kostas Makedonas, Thanassis Polikandriotis.

In recent years he tries to make musical crossroads with the music from the universal repertoire. He likes to record the works of Django Reinhardt, Astor Piazzolla, Al di Meola, and Balkan music as well.



Giorgos Georgopoulos & Dimitris Lapas

  • Libertango (Astor Piazzolla)
  • Petar Ralchev waltz (Petar Ralchev)
  • Krivo Sadovsko Horo (bulgarian folk song)
  • Hora in Dm (Panagiotis Stergiou)
  • Kapia mana anastenazei (Vasilis Tsitsanis)
  • Zeimbekiko in G (Haris Lemonopoulos)
  • Hartaetoi (Mikis Theodorakis)


Amira Medunjanin & Boško Jović - Tradicionalne narodne pesme

  • Kradem ti se u večeri
  • Stade se cvijeće rosom kititi
  • Kiša pada trava raste
  • Ajde Jano
  • Sejdefu majka buđaše
  • Ah što ćemo ljubav kriti


Kemo Sundiulu Sisoko & Igor Vincetić

  • Aissata Bale
  • Ikana Fo
  • Wandiya Mandi
  • Nansara Dunya
  • Ami
  • Simbo
  • Lumbenala
  • Mariamba
