Kemo Soundioulou Cissoko
Senegal / concert
Kemo Soundioulou Cissoko was born in Senegal in a famous musical family. He plays kora (African harp with 21 strings), as well as percussion instruments djembe, doundoun and sabar. Cissoko is also singing, dancing and making choreography, mixing different West-African cultures.
He grew up with music all around him and is the grandson of Soundioulou Cissoko, The King of Kora. Since his really early age he followed the steps of his ancestors. He went on his first tour to Norway in 1985.
In 1987 Cissoko joined the Ballet des Ambassadeurs du Senegal under direction of Paul Jinzou, and after he entered the group Roy Bax directed by Sekou Mbaye. He went on a tour to Gambie and Senegal as well. Between 1988 and 1990 he played in the Ballet del’Unité Africaine, with whom he toured in France and Japan.
Between 1990 and 2002 Kemo was established in Spain. For twelve years he played and was the musical leader of the Ballets d’Afrique Noire, under the direction of Mamadou Mansour Gueye. In 2002 Cissoko moved to Paris and formed his own group Doman-Doman (which means step by step). Thanks to his great experience, he performed various spectacles with Doman-Doman in France and in Europe.
In 2007 he founded his own association in Paris called Nion Dema (solidarity) and promoted African music and dance by giving djembe lessons, holding concerts and workshops. He also plays with a theater company Tellem Chao.
In 2010 Kemo started to live and work in Sweden, where he founded the group BadinDioko with his wife.
Giorgos Georgopoulos & Dimitris Lapas
- Libertango (Astor Piazzolla)
- Petar Ralchev waltz (Petar Ralchev)
- Krivo Sadovsko Horo (bulgarian folk song)
- Hora in Dm (Panagiotis Stergiou)
- Kapia mana anastenazei (Vasilis Tsitsanis)
- Zeimbekiko in G (Haris Lemonopoulos)
- Hartaetoi (Mikis Theodorakis)
Amira Medunjanin & Boško Jović - Tradicionalne narodne pesme
- Kradem ti se u večeri
- Stade se cvijeće rosom kititi
- Kiša pada trava raste
- Ajde Jano
- Sejdefu majka buđaše
- Ah što ćemo ljubav kriti
Kemo Sundiulu Sisoko & Igor Vincetić
- Aissata Bale
- Ikana Fo
- Wandiya Mandi
- Nansara Dunya
- Ami
- Simbo
- Lumbenala
- Mariamba