Petar Jankovic
USA / concert / masterclass
Petar Jankovic (USA), an international award-winning classical guitarist, joined forces with a string quartet from the prestigious Jacobs School of Music comprised of brilliant players such as Sophie Bird (New Zealand) on Violin 1, Grace Kim (Canada) on Violin 2, Rose Wollman (USA) on Viola and Maria Martinez (Spain) on Cello.
This ensenmble covers a wide range of repertoire - from early music jewels of Scarlatti, Vivaldi and Boccerini, to traditional Spanish works by Albeniz, De Falla, and Granados. Passionate Piazzolla tangos and rich Brazilian music forms of Gnattalli, Bellinati, and Villa Lobos are performed alongside exotic Balkan/Gypsy traditions, and new classical works by contemporary composers such as R. Dyens, E. Bark, J. Godfrey.
Since Petar Jankovic started his career in 1985. He has performed numerous concerts and given masterclasses in USA and Europe. Jankovic graduated from the Music Academy in Belgrade and got his master’s degree at Indiana University School of Music where he received the prestigious Artist Diploma under the guidance of Maestro Ernesto Bitetti. He has garnered numerous prestigious international awards and nowadays he has over 30 concerts per season. Jankovic developed a guitar program at Franklin College of Indiana in 1997 and taught at University of Indianapolis from 1999 to 2006. He released CDs Romantico, than Bogdanovic, Brouwer, Dyens and Leyenda. At present, he is a Professor and a Coordinator at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in Bloomington (Indiana, USA).
Violinist Sophie Bird played recitals, chamber music and gave solo concerts with several orchestras throughout New Zealand, the United Kingdom and USA. She won numerous awards and performed with New Zealand’s top artists. Currently, Sophie is a member of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra, plays with the Jacobs School of Music Conductors Orchestra and occasionally is as a guest in the Jacobs School of Music New Music Ensemble.
Violinist Grace Kim is an active orchestral, solo, and collaborative artist. She has worked with such celebrated artists as Canadian violinist Karen Gomyo, tango legend Pablo Ziegler, and world-renowned classical guitarist Ernesto Bitetti. Kim graduated from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music in the class of Kevork Mardirossian. She has participated in numerous Canadian competitions and won the Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto.
Violist Rose Wollman is an active performer, teacher and chamber and orchestral musician. She was an Assistant Professor at the DePauw University School of Music and has also been teaching at Indiana University, New England Conservatory Preparatory School and University of Illinois. Since 2010 Rose Wollman has been an Instructor of Viola at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
Cellist Maria Martinez began her studies in Belgium. After completed Bachelors Degree at Trinity College of Music in London and got the German Diploma at Cologne, she went on to pursue MM with Janos Starker at Jacobs School of Music. She has also studied with S. Delporte, N. Pavlutskaya, I. Laporev, T. Schmitz, S. Ritchey and C. Kanngiesser. Maria Martinez won several distinguished competition. She has performed with several orchestras through Europe and in many important venues.
Međunarodno nagrađivani klasični gitarista, Petar Janković(SAD) udružio je snage sa gudačkim kvartetom prestižne Džejkobs muzičke škola.
Kvartet čine sjajni izvođači Sofi Brd (Novi Zeland) na violini 1, Grejs Kim (Kanada) na violini 2, Rouz Volman (SAD) na violi i Marija Martinez (Španija) na violončelu.
Ovaj ansambl pokriva širok spektar repertoara - od rane muzike Skarlatija, Vivaldija i Bokerinija, do dela španskih kompozitora Albeniza, De Falje i Granadosa. Pored strastvenih tanga Pjacole i brazilske muzike Gnatalija, Belinatija i Vilja Lobosa ansambl izvodi numere balkanskih Roma, kao i ostvarenja klasične muzike savremenih kompozitora: R. Diens, E. Bark, J. Gadfri.
Works by: P. Bellinnati, R. Gnattali and R. Dyens): Sonidos de Brasil
- Jongo
- Anacleto
- Fuoco
Works by: M. De Falla and F. M. Torroba: Spanish Medley
- Danza No 1 from La Vida Breve
- Andante
- Danza del ritual del fuego
Piazzolla: Three Tangos
- Primavera Portena
- Oblivion
- Tango No 3