Vera Ogrizović

19. March

20:00 / Kolarac Foundation Hall

Vera Ogrizović

Serbia / concert

Vera Ogrizovic studied guitar in Belgrade in the class of Nadezda Kondic.

She graduated and received master’s degree in Paris at Ecole Normale de Musique in the class of Rafael Andia.

She performed in many music festivals and gave concerts in Serbia and abroad. She was awarded with the Great silver award of the University of Arts in Belgrade for her pedagogic results.

She founded guitar classes and was teaching at the Music Academy in Skopje (Macedonia) and in Cetinje (Montenegro). Vera Ogrizović recorded the CD of Serbian contemporary guitar music in production of Belgrade Cultural Center and Guitar Art Festival, as well as the latest CD of music for guitar and flute together with Ljubisa Jovanovic.

Since 1989 she has been teaching at The Faculty of Music in Belgrade.



Osnova stvaralačkog pristupa Vladimira Tošića je redukcionistički princip izgradnje dela. Sva njegova dela su procesualna, repetitivna i zasnovana na veoma malom broju različitih elemenata, a ponekad čak i na samo jednom (boji, ritmu, harmoniji...). Najvažnija dela Vladimira Tošića su: Varial, Dual, Trial, Voksal, Fisija, Fuzija, Altus...

