Vladimir Tošić

19. March

20:00 / Kolarac Foundation Hall

Vladimir Tošić

Serbia / concert

Vladimir Tošić is a composer, a multimedia artist and a Professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.

He studied composition with prof. Vasilije Mokranjac at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. Vladimir Tošić’s pieces have been regularly performed in national and international concert halls and festivals of contemporary music worldwide.

He was awarded 1st prize at the Thomas Bloch composition contest (Paris, 2000) and 3rd prize at the competition for children’s guitar composition Gitarrentage für Kinder (Lebach, Germany, 2011).

His works have been published on numerous CD editions in Serbia and the USA (4on1-Josquin Records, 2007, Vox Novus 60x60, 2007...), among which the autohor’s CD Melange stands out (PGP RTS 2000).

The basis of composer’s creative approach is the reductionist principle of piece construction. All his works are processual, repetitive and based on a very small number of different elements, sometimes even one (color, rhythm, harmony…). His most important pieces are: Varial, Dual, Threeal, Voxal, Fission, Fusion Altus



Osnova stvaralačkog pristupa Vladimira Tošića je redukcionistički princip izgradnje dela. Sva njegova dela su procesualna, repetitivna i zasnovana na veoma malom broju različitih elemenata, a ponekad čak i na samo jednom (boji, ritmu, harmoniji...). Najvažnija dela Vladimira Tošića su: Varial, Dual, Trial, Voksal, Fisija, Fuzija, Altus...

