Vasil Hadžimanov: "The Beatles" got to the essence of music
The well-known musician speaks about the influence The Beatles had on music history ahead of the 12th of March concert in Dom sindikata.
Guitar Art Festival will be opened this year with a concert dedicated to the Beatles' 50th anniversary. Among the musicians who will hit the stage of Dom sindikata on the 12th of March will be Vasil Hadžimanov, who will along with Vlatko Stefanovski and BIsera Veletanlić interpret some of the band's greatest hits in an entirely new fashion.
When someone mentions the Beatles, what's the first thing that comes into your mind?
"There are many things that remind me of the Beatles. Of course, their music and the amazing duo who wrote dozens of songs which last to the day and will last as long as we live. They remind me of my childhood as well and my first contact with the popular music".
What have you prepared for the concert?
"I have performed with Bisera and Vlatko many times, but this will be the first time that we'll perform something together to honour this great badn. I can tell you that what we have in store will be amazing and won't fail the people's expectations."
In your opinion what is the Beatles' greatest contribution to the music history?
"Each good song can be performed in a million different ways. Whether it's a change in ther arrangement, music style or something else, just goes to prove that the quality of that song is so high, that no matter what you do with it, it remains the same and sounds perfect. The Beatles are a rare example of authors who'd managed to get to the essence of music that we're all searching for and to inspire numerous musicians to do cover versions of their songs in their own fashion. In my opinion that is the biggest achievement a musician can make."