Premiere of the concert "Recuerdos de Belgrado" postponed for the XXII edition of Guitar Art Festival in March 2021

In spite of the fact that Guitar Art Festival, Kolarac Endowment and Symphony orchestra RTS, together with conductor Bojan Suđić, were ready for the concert premiere announced for 9th October, the four soloists from Spain, Germany and Austria suggested postponing the concert for March next year due to a rather unfavorable situation in their countries regarding epidemic COVID-19.

Having in mind regulations and changes in the rules regarding leaving and entering foreign countries, the fear of the soloists Joaquín Clerch, Rafael Aguirre, Marco Tamayo and David Martínez to come to Belgrade at this moment was justified. We all understood and supported this suggestion. According to it and hoping that the situation would be much better, we confirmed that it would be best if the premiere was during the next Guitar Art Festival, traditionally planned for March 2021.

We would like to inform all visitors who bought tickets for 15th March 2020 that, according to the newest Regulation of the Serbian Government , all tickets can be used for the next edition of Guitar Art Festival 2021, including the premiere of the concert "Recuerdos de Belgrado".

If there is no possibility of exchanging tickets for March 2021, the refund, according to Article no. 4 of this Regulation, will be possible in the first half of January 2022.